Join our online community of Morganton High School Alumni Share your stories, photos and documents that tell the story of our generation.
. . . to the home of the Morganton High School Wildcat Alumni Association website.
From 1927-1973, Morganton High and its sister school, Morganton Junior High, educated the Morganton area’s youth preparing them for life and success in North Carolina, and entry into a rapidly changing and complex world.
Over 2000 living MHS alumni and attendees and friends are invited to connect via this website, and become active participants/members of the Morganton High School Wildcat Alumni Association (MHSWAA).
We encourage you to visit this website often as more information, plans, and activities will be shared through the year and beyond. There will be items of interest for all MHS alums, and also the ability to link to each class year, peruse an old “Cats Tail” , connect with classmates, engage with their own class history, plus learn more of our common and rich shared history, and more importantly announce coming events and activities.
The MHS Wildcat Alumni Association . . .
was not formed only to recall youthful memories. It is a living, breathing, proactive association now well into formation after nearly four years of intense planning, and preparation. Fifteen alumni from various year classes comprise the first elected board of directors. We deeply appreciate the cooperation of the City of Morganton, and our key partners, the Community Foundation of Burke County, and the NCSD Deaf and Blind Foundation - owner of the former MHS site in their support of our goals.
Billy Joe Patton - Drum Major
Though the efforts and dedication of the MHS Board of Directors, it’s our hope to:
1. Foster a synergy for connecting living alumni; be they graduates, faculty, attendees, or even descendant family members of MHS or MJHS alum. On this site you can locate your class year and name and those we have records that were your classmates. Very basic information, an email or physical address we require for membership in the MHSWAA, but these addresses we guard along with phone numbers that we will not disseminate or sell, but can be provided if someone requests to contact a classmate, and that classmate consents to their contact information be released. This procedure we must follow for privacy reasons.
2. The Association realizes the years rapidly pass, and there will be fewer living alums. We seek to “remember and perpetually honor” those no longer with us, to know about their life’s journey after MHS and honor and remember that individual.
3. The Association also exists to recognize the many accomplishments and contributions by the various student bodies, its members and faculty over the 46 years of MHS. Importantly, we exist to actively serve the continuance of the legacy of the school and its alumni, to perpetuate the “Wildcat” spirit.
So join us! Help us remember our institution of learning, the programs and experiences that shaped and played a significant role during this impressionable segment of your life. Explore and enjoy navigating the site……let the adventure continue!